Kelly Hands on Hips

Entrepreneurship and Leadership are not everyone’s cup of tea. Only a few entrepreneurs or leaders with their relentless pursuit of excellence, can blend the two and rise above all. Honoring one such prominent personality in today’s time is Kelly Bagla, the CEO of Bagla Law Firm, APC. Kelly is a multi-faceted woman founder, leader, entrepreneur, author, community engagement supporter, and more, who continues to outshine all with her shining demeanor and unshakeable passion.

Kelly’s journey is a story shaped by unwavering dedication, a never-ending thirst for entrepreneurship, redefining the spirit of resilient leadership, and embracing a solid adherence to core values.

Turning Dreams into Reality

Ever since Kelly was 5, she always dreamt of becoming an attorney. At such a tender age, she didn’t know exactly what it meant; all she had known was courtroom dramas she occasionally watched on TV. And that is what intrigued her about this field.

At the age of 15, with dreams in her eyes, she left her native country of England, which included saying goodbye to friends, family, and the county she had come to know as home, to pursue her American dream of becoming an attorney at law. In America, she secured her college and post-graduate studies. Having multiple degrees opened many doors of opportunities. Her initial stint was at the prestigious Baker & McKenzie LLP which is one of the top law firms in America.

Here, Kelly represented both international and domestic clients about business legal matters. She fondly reminiscences her time as she not only learned from the best mentors at Baker & McKenzie, but her time here also fueled an entrepreneurial spirit in her. Every day, she drafted documents for businesses – from business formation to asset protection, it made her realize that anyone can start a business. Anyone can be a business owner including her. This realization ignited a spark and she took a leap of faith establishing her brainchild, Bagla Law Firm, APC, a Business Formation and Asset Protection Law Firm. Today, she has successfully steered the firm to its present-day glory and has been running it for over a decade.

Honesty and Resilience are the Cornerstones of Success

Knowing who you are, and continuing with your fundamental principles, is one of my guiding aims: being resilient.

As a leader, founder, and entrepreneur Kelly lives by the core value of honesty. She backs her statement by saying, “You have got to tell it as it is. I tell people all the time: “What you see is what you get”. No more, no less. Or, as Popeye says, “I yam what I yam”. By being authentic, my clients know I have their best interests at heart, and I have got their backs.  

This is how Kelly runs her business, her work approach is to be as transparent and open as possible. Many people fear attorneys due to their billable hours. However, Kelly’s law firm does not engage in this practice. Instead, she charges a “flat rate fee” so there are no surprises.

Kelly firmly believes in resilience. Resilience is the ability to keep moving, no matter what struggle or difficulty one encounters. Resilience is what gave her the ability to become an attorney. Reciting one of her incidents from college, Kelly beautifully explains resilience, “I remember in college I was taking a business law class and was not doing so well.  I met with the college counselor who advised me that I should focus on obtaining a liberal arts degree and that law school was not for me.”

“Are you sure you want to be a lawyer”, he asked me. In that moment I realized that the only person that I needed to believe in was myself. I told him, “Absolutely.  If you can’t see that in me then you are not the counselor for me” and walked out.  This was the best decision I had ever made!”

To Kelly, this is resilience. Standing up for herself and following her passion makes Kelly the perfect lawyer. In this competitive market of law, Kelly stands as a beacon of honesty and resilience continuing to lead by example at every step of her journey.

Living the Entrepreneurial Dream

I truly believe in the American spirit and the ability for anyone to jumpstart their livelihood by becoming a business owner.

Kelly has been an ardent supporter of entrepreneurship. Inspired by her father, who was an entrepreneur himself, she witnessed firsthand the obstacles, struggles, and barriers he faced. Originally from India, he left behind everything he had once known to go to England. He believed there was more opportunity there.

Upon coming to England, he toiled for long hours in a factory. Kelly distinctly remembers the long hours he would work, but he had the hunger to succeed. Even after the struggle he still had ambition in his eyes. Eventually, his principled work ethic coupled with undying passion paid off and he bought the factory he once worked in on the ground floor!

This sterling experience became an example for Kelly and she learned the value of the entrepreneurial spirit. It was the ability to keep going, against all odds. She ends, “This unwavering hope and ambition in entrepreneurs, that I had witnessed in my father, is what fuels my passion. I want to see these people succeed in their dreams.

Kelly, the Incredible Author

Kelly has successfully authored 5 books! They all support entrepreneurs, from how to enter the U.S. market to protecting both business and personal assets.

Kelly loves helping international clients enter the U.S. market, she has written 2 books on that topic: Doing Business in the United States: The Guide to Entering the U.S. Market and Doing Business in The United States: We Have the Answers You Need. Both books help foreign-based companies navigate the United States business legal system, while also explaining how they can enter the U.S. market.

Kelly’s other book, Legal Pearls, deals with businesses already established in the United States. This book aims to educate entrepreneurs on how to avoid costly legal issues, which are often the result of business litigation.

Additionally, her book Go Legal Yourself aims to educate entrepreneurs on navigating the main four legal lifecycles businesses face. From establishing one’s business with the correct legal entity to managing growth, this book will put one in a good strategic position for success.

Lastly, she wrote a book that has nothing to do with the law, legal advice, or any of that fun stuff. Go Own Yourself helps people unleash their full potential. The book outlines what one needs to do to reach their goals both personally and professionally and some strategies to get there.

Times of Triumph

Success is not linear. Success is changing. Our goals, and how we accomplish them defines success.

Kelly has successfully manifested all her dreams at every step of her journey. With her extraordinary talent, principled work ethic, and outstanding performance she has secured a position for herself in the legal field. She has a successful track record of guiding numerous clients with her legal expertise and paving the correct path for their businesses.

Today, she stands as an international award-winning corporate attorney and even after winning numerous recognitions and awards, Kelly’s most cherished victory lies in changing lives.

In her long-standing career, Kelly has bagged many achievements but what makes her stand out is that she is not only a business attorney but she is also an entrepreneur, four times over, and understands the needs of other entrepreneurs.   Kelly stands out among the legal community because she actually is a business owner who also invented a plush toy.  Kelly is not just a bystander, she is hands-deep involved in business.

Kelly says, “My plush toy creation is called Eardorables, which was presented on The Toy Box, and later sold by Mattel. Actually going through this process of creating a product and bringing it to market was so tremendous that it allowed me to connect with business owners at their level and really serve them with the proper legal and business guidance they need.

Apart from all this, Kelly is an enthusiastic supporter, who is heavily involved in her community. She believes community engagement is essential to networking, and knowing the market one works in.

Kelly’s Pearls of Wisdom for Aspiring Leaders

Know who you are, believe in yourself, use your abilities to help others, and learn how to stand out as a leader.  I live by the saying, “Why blend in when you were born to stand out.” – Guru Granth Sahib.

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